Oak Hill/Herndon Politics

Oak Hill/Herndon Politics


Supervisors React to Budget Prospects

Some comments were lightly edited for clarity.

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Casino Bill for Tysons Advances

Opponents make repeated trips to Richmond to testify against the bill.

The subcommittee pushed SB982, introduced by Sen. Scott Surovell (D-Fairfax), to the Senate General Laws and Technology Committee meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 9 a.m. The bill proposes to allow Fairfax County residents to vote in a referendum on a casino in Tysons.

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Supervisors: Casino Bill Muddies Waters

Real issue is state underfunding of schools, they say.

A senator's comments Monday to the Virginia Senate Subcommittee on Gaming regarding SB982 (Casino Gaming; eligible host localities) led the chair of the No Fairfax Casino coalition, Lynn Mulston, to email the senators a letter titled "URGENT: SB982 Reaction to Chief Patron's Comments."

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Bill Paves Way for Fairfax Casino Referendum

Coalition seeks to ‘kill the bill;’ sponsors say Fairfax County needs the money for schools and property tax relief.

A 50,000-member Facebook group called the No Fairfax Casino Coalition is out to "kill the bill," SB982 — Casino gaming; eligible host localities in the Virginia Senate.

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When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

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Every Year Is Election Year in Virginia

Early voting starts Friday, Sept. 20; Election Day is Nov. 5

This is a big year. Presidential elections historically draw the largest turnout. There are also important local issues and races on the ballot, including ballot questions. We’ll let you know here what’s on the ballot.

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Herndon’s Mayoral Candidates To Face Off at Forum

On Monday, Sept. 30, from 7:30 to 9 p.m., Cornerstones and the Dulles Regional Chamber of Commerce will host the Town of Herndon Mayoral Candidate Forum at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 651 Dranesville Road.

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Prison Reform Takes Long, Tortuous Path

Del. Hope advocates for more humane conditions for incarcerated people.

Del. Patrick Hope (D-47) spearheaded legislation this session that creates a state ombudsman over the Department of Corrections.

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Supervisors Defer Decision on Data Center Zoning

Public hearing confirms, ‘The devil is in the details.’

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted 10-0 to defer their decision on a proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment regarding data centers until their July 30 regular meeting. This unexpected move occurred late Tuesday evening, July 16, after a staff presentation, Q&A between the board and staff, and four-and-a-half hours of public testimony. The record would still be open for written testimony.

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Virginia League of Conservation Voters 2024 General Assembly Conservation Scorecard Released

Fairfax’s state legislators sweep the Scorecard’s honor roll.

Of the 22 elected officials in the Virginia General Assembly who represent all, or a portion of, the citizens of Fairfax County, 19 achieved a perfect score of 100 percent, earning the honorary title of "Legislative Hero” from the Virginia LCV. The remaining three achieved a near-perfect score of 95 percent, earning them the title of "2024 Legislative Leader."

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Highlights of Virginia LCV’s Scored Legislation Patroned by Lawmakers of the Fairfax County Delegation to the General Assembly

LCV’s positions and governor’s actions.

Gov. Youngkin vetoed 201 bills in 2024, including bipartisan environmental protection legislation. Virginia LCV classified scored legislation into five categories: energy and climate, good government, land conservation, land use and transportation, and water quality. Virginia LCV provided its position, whether supporting or opposing the bills, and compared such against Gov. Youngkin’s actions, whether he signed the bills into law or vetoed them.

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Governor Says Virginia Is Exiting Clean Car Commitment

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) has no interest in a roadmap to a zero-emission future for vehicles in Virginia. Youngkin cites Attorney General Jason Miyares’ official opinion, which "confirms that Virginians are no longer legally bound to follow the emission standards of California.”

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Chamber Receives Report on General Assembly Activities

Roll for a casino in Fairfax County?

“It was a session with a lot of changes,” said State Senator Scott Surovell speaking to the Mount Vernon Springfield Chamber of Commerce at the annual General Assembly Report business breakfast.

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School Board Hearing on Budget Poorly Attended

Why didn’t more people testify?

Dr. Ricardy Anderson (Mason District representative) welcomed the six people who testified Tuesday evening, May 14, at the Fairfax County School Board Public Hearing on the budget. The time between the first speaker, Nancy Trainer, starting her testimony, and Arthur Purves, the sixth speaker, ending his testimony was approximately sixteen minutes.

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Many Needs in Schools, County

Testimony will highlight priorities for spending.

On Thursday, April 18, home care workers, public service workers, allies, and community members planned to join airport workers, elected officials, and candidates for Congress for a march and rally at Dulles Airport in support of access to affordable health care and paid sick leave for airport service workers.
