On June 29, one week before his 18th birthday, Anthony Sasso of BSA Troop 1081 completed his Eagle Scout service project. Sasso successfully demonstrated leadership while performing a project that significantly benefited the community.
Anthony led a team of volunteers in planning, directing, and executing a storage reorganization project at the Herndon Masonic Lodge #264, 820 Elden Street. The project's success, which focused on the safe storage and organization of supplies, was primarily due to their collective effort and dedication.
Among the safety hazards, Anthony realized that the loosely stacked folding chairs against the wall on the old flooring could easily collapse and slide into people as they tried to remove a few or navigate the narrow walkway. The unstable, overcrowded shelving left no room for additional items, so people stacked them on the floor, leaving little space to walk in what was already tight quarters.
Anthony and his team removed the broken shelving and debris. Under Anthony's guidance and plans, the team constructed new storage shelving and a unit to hold the chairs, reorganized the supplies, painted the space, and returned the needed items to their new homes. Anthony said he and his teamÂ