THE SCHOONER PRIDE OF BALTIMORE II, a replica of the 1812 ship Pride of Baltimore, paid a three-day visit to Alexandria Oct. 20-22. Free deck tours provided visitors the opportunity to learn more about the War of 1812, Thomas Boyle, privateers, and the Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail. The Pride of Baltimore II was launched from her Inner Harbor birthplace on April 30, 1988, and has since sailed 275,000 nautical miles and visited 200 ports in 40 countries. Photo by John Bordner/Gazette Packet
THE SCHOONER PRIDE OF BALTIMORE II, a replica of the 1812 ship Pride of Baltimore, paid a three-day visit to Alexandria Oct. 20-22. Free deck tours provided visitors the opportunity to learn more about the War of 1812, Thomas Boyle, privateers, and the Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail. The Pride of Baltimore II was launched from her Inner Harbor birthplace on April 30, 1988, and has since sailed 275,000 nautical miles and visited 200 ports in 40 countries.